Supermarket El Económico may require certain personal information while using your website. We know that you care about your personal information and how it is used and we want you to know that El Económico uses this information with care and is committed to assuring you that your privacy as a user of its website is protected. These privacy policies define how to use and protect any information that the user provides, therefore, we assure you that it will only be used according to what is described in these policies.

However, this company reserves the right to change the terms of reference in this policy from time to time when updating its website, therefore, recommends users to regularly review these policies to ensure that they agree with any changes made.

Information collected by El Económico Supermarket

Information provided by the user: El Económico Supermarket website may collect personal information provided by its users through the forms available on the website in order to learn more about the products of this company, apply to be part of this company and contact for having questions, suggestions and comments. This information may consist of name, email address (Email), telephone and country.

Passively collected information: In addition to the information provided directly by the user, as you browse the website, certain information can be collected passively, that is, without the user providing it directly, through the use of technologies such as COOKIES, cookies are not viruses, consist of information sent by the website to the user's browser so that at the time of next visit, the portal can automatically recognize this or his team from the browsing habits recorded in the previous activity to facilitate navigation by personalizing your experience.

Supermarket El Económico uses specifically two types of cookies: Cookies of Third party that in this case is Google Analytics and Cookies of Session, being the used Polylang, and through these the information that collects are respectively, of navigation and behavior of the user in the web, and, of personalization which leaves the user when selecting the language of preference.

Why Supermarket El Económico collects this data?

Supermarket El Económico collects and treats your personal data only for specific and limited purposes.

The information provided directly by users is collected for the purpose of: contacting them regarding the matter for which they completed a form supplying their personal data; maintain an internal record of the data of its users and their interests in relation to the company; and contact its users with information that they understand is relevant to them in accordance with the interest shown.

The information collected through the use of COOKIES, in the case of Google Analytics, is traffic analysis and data communication, and in the case of Polylang, so that the browser remembers the language selected by the user.

Control of your information

You may at any time restrict the collection or use of your personal information. The use of your information will be in accordance with what you authorize, in case you do not wish to be contacted by El Económico Supermarket through a specific way or purpose, you can inform us.

Similarly, in the case of information collected through COOKIES you can control whether this technology is used or not. We inform you that in case of declining cookies this will not influence the operation of the website, however, it will have as consequence that: the traffic of this user will not be registered because the browsing data will not be sent to Google Analytics, and that the selection preference of the user's languages ​​will not be stored, so you will have to make the place selection each time you enter the page. In any case you can accept or decline cookies through place settings.


Supermarket El Económico is highly committed to keeping its users' information secure. In order to protect unauthorized access, we have taken the appropriate physical and electronic measures in the procedures for handling your information and update constantly.